The Dictionary definition for twaddle/twaddling is:
trivial, feeble, silly, or tedious talk or writing.
verb (used without object), twad·dled, twad·dling.
2. to talk in a trivial, feeble, silly, or tedious manner; prate.
verb (used with object), twad·dled, twad·dling.
3. to utter as twaddle.

Art Therapy is Heart Therapy ~ TwinkleToes2day (aka mo)

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Anti Journal Page

Hello Everyone

I will be quick this morning, the sun is shining and I better take advantage of it before the clouds decide to scupper my plans altogether ;)

In my Anti Journal this week:
The prompts for these two pages were to 
Build a Pattern from a Pattern 
Try to Draw Perfect Circles by Hand
For the pattern I used various Pitt pens and Pigma Micron pens and for the circles I used my gel pens. 

I'm looking forward to seeing what Carolyn and Karen have been upto in their Wreck it journals,

I will be back tomorrow with more Index Cards and my Summer of Colour piece.

Until then,
Take Care. Be Happy

{{Hugs}} Mo :o) x


  1. Fun work Mo! Have a nice day, it's really hot here, 34° outside, just got back from my walk along the Rhine. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Your patterns make me twitchy! The circles are lovely!

  3. Love your patterns and your circles - they remind me of bubble blowing fun!!!!

    You have some sun :)

    Karen x

  4. Love your patterns Mo and I agree with Missy k above, the circles remind me of blowing bubbles too. It has been 31 degrees here today, far too hot for me!! Hugs, Anne xx

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed your patterns within a pattern. You are SO good at these zendoodles. Really lovely.

    One of the hardest things for me is to draw a circle, much less a PERFECT circle. Mine go all wonky about half way around and don't meet up properly. Yours look SO much better. Really great job.

    Thanks for being so supportive of my art. I'm always appreciative.

  6. Love the patterns! Circles are hard to draw for such a simple shape I think. lol


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate every one of them ((hugs)) :-))

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