The Dictionary definition for twaddle/twaddling is:
trivial, feeble, silly, or tedious talk or writing.
verb (used without object), twad·dled, twad·dling.
2. to talk in a trivial, feeble, silly, or tedious manner; prate.
verb (used with object), twad·dled, twad·dling.
3. to utter as twaddle.

Art Therapy is Heart Therapy ~ TwinkleToes2day (aka mo)

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

T Stands for Treasure

I'm getting in just under the wire here for T Stands for Tuesday, hosted by the lovely Elizabeth. Well, 'under the wire' is a little exageration, as it isn't quite midnight, but it is nearly 8pm, so I think I will be last in.

I told Elizabeth that I probably wouldn't be able to join in this week, but then I remembered, that whilst hunting for some books for me in the loft (attic), at the weekend, my dear hubs 'found' a tea set that we thought 'lost' - (it's a large loft) - so I am delighted to share it with you here today.

I have had this tea set since 1973. It is a Royal Stuart, Spencer Stevenson, Harlequin tea set, made in England, circa 1951. It was my grandmother's. I remember dusting it lovingly as a child and saying how much I liked it. I never dreamt it would be bequeathed to me.  It was never used, has never been used and is still in perfect condition.
I love this tea set.
Happy T day everyone! :D

Until next time....................
.................thanks for popping by to say 'Hi' **hugs** :o) x


  1. this tea set is really lovely! adore all the different colors...and I can believe it is from the 50's! so glad you shared...& thanks for stopping by my blog too!

    1. Thank you so much Dianne, I'm so glad you like it :D

  2. Your tea set is so beautiful it would even get me to drink tea! Hugs, Valerie

  3. That is the most beautiful tea set! Made all the more precious since it was passed down to you! I am so glad you found time to share it today.

    Thanks for your nice comments about my page and the white pen recommendations--I'll keep my eyes out for those brands.

    1. Thank you so much, I'm glad you like my tea set :D

  4. Such a beautiful tea set, can see why you loved it so much. TY for sharing such a treasure:-) xxx

    1. You're welcome, I'm so happy you like it too MoH xox

  5. Great photo of a lovely tea set!

  6. Stunning tea set. I can see why it was a favorite of yours. The reason it's in perfect condition is BECAUSE it has never been used (grin).

    Sorry I'm late getting here, because it's after midnight your time. I've been cleaning drawers all day. I was SO glad to see you made it and you can post anytime. But I'm glad you made it sooner rather than later, because I truly love this set of cups and saucers. Thanks for sharing them with us for T this week.

    1. Thank you Elizabeth, I'm glad I managed to post this week too :D

  7. Only 2!? Aww, bless ;) Thank you for visiting Alexandra ((hugs)) x

  8. I'm not sure I'd have the willpower to just look at them. It's all I can do to keep from google searching that pattern so I can have a yellow one just like yours ;)

    1. Haha - I kind of know what you mean, but I'm terrified of damaging them :)

  9. Your grandmother's tea set is so beautiful.I especially love the different colors they have.

  10. Your tea set is gorgeous Mo, I too have a set from my Grandmother, very similar shape, but with patterns on mine. I would be terrified to use it! Hugs, Anne xx

    1. I know what you mean Anne. I want to use one of the cups, but am so scared of damaging it, I probably never will. Which, in a way, is kind of silly, because it was intended for use originally and no-one else in my family is interested in it. And what will happen to it 'at the end of the day'? Probably go to a charity shop. Ahh, the dilemmas caused by sentimentality ;) Haha
      ((hugs)) xx

  11. Your tea set is lovely and I'm sure precious to you since it came from your Grandmother.

    Happy T Day (on Wednesday)


    1. Thank you for your visit :D The tea-set is precious, but perhaps, too much so; after-all, it's intention, was to be used. *sigh*

  12. Wonderful tea cups and wonderful and lovely words from you to me dear Mo :)
    Like to make a visit on your blog and looking about your art.
    Greetings from Erika

  13. Hi, thank you for the visit to my blog. The stencil you asked about is a CWS one [crafters workshop stencil].
    The tea set looks beautiful, its a lovely thing to own, and to think of your family when you look at it.

  14. Oh Mo! What a wonderful treasure and so glad your hubby found it! (I hope the hubby gained some brownie points with that find.) ;D

  15. I'd use it for a special tea party

    1. But no 'Cheers' clinking of cups please ;) haha xx


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate every one of them ((hugs)) :-))

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