The Dictionary definition for twaddle/twaddling is:
trivial, feeble, silly, or tedious talk or writing.
verb (used without object), twad·dled, twad·dling.
2. to talk in a trivial, feeble, silly, or tedious manner; prate.
verb (used with object), twad·dled, twad·dling.
3. to utter as twaddle.

Art Therapy is Heart Therapy ~ TwinkleToes2day (aka mo)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

By Wee Man

It's Christmas Eve!

Hi everyone, Wee Man here. 1 sleep to go! I am SO excited! Are you? I hope Santa remembers to bring me my new bike.

Me and Granny put some icing on the Christmas cake and some decorations.

Today we made some mince pies. The top is a Santa. I had one for my lunch after they had cooled down. They taste delicious. I will leave one out for Santa and some special reindeer food and some carrots.

I hope you have some tasty food as well. I am having lots of Christmas snacks like Pringles, chocolate strawberries and cheese sticks. 

I will go to bed very early tonight.

I wish you a wonderful Christmas.
Love and kisses
Wee Man :-D


  1. Mo, warmest festive wishes to you and your family and best wishes for the New Year. I look forward to seeing more of your art in 2015.

    1. Many thanks Linda and I extend the same heartfelt wishes to you ((hugs))

  2. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and feel sure Santa will be calling in on your house. Best wishes to you and your lovely Granny. Jenny x

  3. Wish you lots of great presents, hope Santa brings that bike for you! Hugs to you both, Valerie

    1. Thank you Valerie. My bike arrived and it is white and blue and I can go very fast on it. :-D

  4. WOW Wee Man yours and Granny's baking looks yummy indeed, hope Santa and the Reindeer enjoyed their treats too. I have a soft spot for Pringles too!

    Don't forget to share some pictures of the pressies you get from Santa, have a fun day Wee Man.

    Happy Holidays Mo, glad i found your blog and am looking forward to seeing more in 2015:-) xxx

    1. Thank you MoH My bike arrived and it is white and blue and I can go very fast on it. I will do another blog post soon and show you some pictures:-D

  5. Merry Christmas Wee Man, and the same to your wonderful Grandmother, too. I hope Santa visits since you have been such a good boy this year.

    1. Thank you Elizabeth. My bike arrived and it is white and blue and I can go very fast on it. :-D

  6. Merry Christmas, Wee Man! I hope Santa was very good to you and brought you that new bike!

    1. Merry Christmas. Santa did bring me a new bike and two new puppies, 'Big Toby' and 'Jasper' the Dalmatian and an Eddie Stobart bus.
      Then I went to visit Margaret next door with a present.

  7. Gosh, what a lovely spread. I made pies with the mince you all brought over when you visited. They were lush! Thank you x

    1. I have eaten lots of mince pies. I wanted cake as well, but Granny said not today :-D xoxo

  8. Looks like a wonderful memory filled Christmas at your house. Wishing you all the best in the coming year!

  9. Sorry I missed you on Christmas Eve, we were away but I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that Santa brought you some fabulous gifts! The cake and mince pies look so delicious, you did a great job with them and I bet Santa loved his mince pie too. Enjoy the rest of the holidays and have a wonderful New Year. Big hugs, Anne xx

  10. Hi Wee Man, just catching up on your Christmas posts. Ah these traditional desserts with whimsical decorations look great!

  11. It's a very late catch up for me Wee Man as I've been poorly as you know. I do want to say a big thank you for the Get Well Soon card that you and Granny made.
    Isn't granny a good baker xx


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate every one of them ((hugs)) :-))

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