The Dictionary definition for twaddle/twaddling is:
trivial, feeble, silly, or tedious talk or writing.
verb (used without object), twad·dled, twad·dling.
2. to talk in a trivial, feeble, silly, or tedious manner; prate.
verb (used with object), twad·dled, twad·dling.
3. to utter as twaddle.

Art Therapy is Heart Therapy ~ TwinkleToes2day (aka mo)

Friday, December 19, 2014

By Wee Man

It's Nearly Christmas!

Hi everybody, Wee Man here. Sorry I haven't been around much but I have been very poorly. Granny said she told you. Thank you for the messages. I am better now.

My friend Sue Waters sent me a magic snowman. It was about 3cm tall and when I put it in water it grew to about 7cm tall. It was funny and squidgy. Here is a picture of it.

Thank you Sue :D

Last Sunday we put up our Christmas decorations. I decorated the tree all by myself, but granny did the lights. 

Me and granny decorated my bedroom as well

And here you can see Frosty Wosty, Sandy Wandy and Winnie The Pooh are ready for Christmas as well.

My favourite decoration is the ones I made at school.

Do you have a favourite Christmas decoration?

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas. 

Bye for now! :D


  1. Hi Wee Man, you have made some cool Christmas stuff! Have a great Christmas with your wonderful Granny! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Hi Wee Man, my favourite decorations are snowflakes, can't get enough of them, love the sparkle and shapes.

    Glad you are feeling well enough to post and show us your handiwork of decorating the tree and your pals.

    Love all your decorations, they look fantastic, MERRY CHRISTMAS to you Wee Man, hope you are good and get lots and lots of lovely pressies :-) xxx

  3. I am so glad you are all better in time for Christmas. Homemade decorations are the best. My favourite is a Christmas tree made by my son out of card and glitter when he was at nursery. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas.

  4. Well I think you've done a brilliant job of decorating your house Wee Man, I think Santa will be very impressed.
    You have some beautiful things and that snowman looks so much fun.
    We're watching for snow... are you?
    Merry Christmas to you and your Granny and Grandad
    Have a wonderful time and hopefully Santa will leave you lots of gifts because I hear you've been a very good boy.
    :D Have fun!!!

    1. Thank you Denise. I hope we get lots of snow on Christmas day. :-D

  5. Oh Wee Man! I just LOVE all of your decorations! I am so pleased that you liked the Snowman I sent. I'm also glad to hear you are feeling better. John and I send our best wishes to you for a very Merry Christmas.

  6. Hip hip hooray Logan is better today.
    Your tree looks REALLY nice. I like my red boxes that light up the best. I hope granny gets a visit from Santa for doing such a good job of looking after you wee man xxx

  7. Hello Wee Man, I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better and just in time for Christmas too! I love how you decorated the tree, it looks really beautiful.

    I like your decorations that you made at school too, especially the one with Santa going down the chimney, that one is such fun!

    I do hope you, Granny and all the family have a wonderful Christmas! Big hugs, Anne xx

  8. What fabulous decorations! Love the tree. Glad you are better.x


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate every one of them ((hugs)) :-))

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